Getting Out
Dear Reality Board Observer,
I’m so sick an tired of the bs after seeing what happened when someone decided to leave my board an make a big deal about it. The battle lines got drawn an I got targeted an got hit. The backstabbers showed their true colors an I am so done with it. So I’m leaving also now an I am angry ‘bout it. Should I make an farewell post an spill alot of embarrassing PMs an name a bunch of names an call people out or just leave an say nothing? What is the best way to go out?
Getting Out
Dear Getting Out,
You sound angry. Take a breath. I always think it is best to just leave. I have seen too many times people pipe up and say that they are going to leave, only to come back at a later time. The people who leave and stay gone are the ones who go away quietly, so it all depends on what your true motivation is. Are you looking to find a place that you can enjoy more or are you trying to be the center of a drama storm? Perhaps you want people to beg you to stay? Here is a news flash: The board does not revolve around you. It will survive without you. But will you survive without it? Why don’t you try leaving and then don’t join another board. Did that ever occur to you? Why don’t you go out and get something accomplished in your life instead of wasting it away on childish message boards and silly drama?
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