Start Me Up
Dear Reality Board Observer,
I am seriously considering starting my own reality message board. Should I do it before Big Brother starts or wait untill the show is over?
Start Me Up
Dear Start Me Up,
You must not be happy with the board you are on right now or why would you want to leave and go through all the trouble? If this unhappiness is fueling your desire to rule your own world (and the people under you) then I would start now and get it up and running before Big Brother begins. You will get the best chance for traffic then. If it is too much work to do in too little time, (phew!) then you usually have a major board exodus half-way through the season when people get fed up with their particular board pettiness (certainly as it relates to the people on the show) and they go out looking for a new place to squat. That would be your second opportunity, but you will have to have it all ready to go in advance. Understand that most people want an audience for their posts (pats on the back) and don’t want to be at a tiny dead board, so you have to get it bubbling fast. (Cross your fingers.) Of course you’ll have to recruit some of your board friends to help. (Uh oh!) Some will stay and some won’t, that’s part of life. Are you a good judge of character? Do you have some friends you can trust to keep it quiet until you open the doors? I hope so.
In short, if you wait for Big Brother to be over, then you don’t stand a chance. Do it now or wait until next year. Good luck.
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